Can You Get Braces at Any Age?

by | Jul 14, 2020 | Orthodontic Blogs

We’d all like to have perfectly straight teeth, but, unfortunately, that is rarely the case. Whether it’s down to genetics, injury or poor dental care, many of us contend with crooked teeth, crowded smiles and misaligned bites. However, while we think of braces as being reserved for the young, that is far from the case. Childhood is indeed the perfect time to reposition our teeth, but many adults now opt for orthodontic treatment and come away with excellent results. After all, why should the kids have all the fun?

How do Braces Work?
Braces are an extremely versatile orthodontic treatment that are able to move many teeth at once in various directions. The idea behind braces is that they put constant pressure on teeth to gradually change their position over time. This is done by attaching mechanical devices or appliances to the teeth. The devices add pressure from one side, the root presses into the bone and a small amount of the bone next to the root dissolves, allowing the tooth to move. Don’t worry though, new bone builds up in the vacated space, holding the tooth in its new position.

What Options Are There to Straighten Teeth?
Braces have come an awfully long way since the metal train-track contraptions of days gone by. Today’s braces are more comfortable, smaller and less noticeable than their previous counterparts. And, there are many options available, including:

  • Various wires and brackets – while stainless steel brackets are still commonly used as they are effective and economical, you can also plump for gold brackets and wires or even coloured wires and elastics to stand out from the crowd.
  • Natural ceramics – instead of steel metal brackets, tooth coloured ceramic brackets can be used, which makes them far less noticeable.
  • Lingual braces – instead of attaching to the front of the teeth, lingual braces attach to the back, so the brackets and wires don’t show when you smile.
  • Invisalign – a set of  clear plastic aligners are used in place of brackets and wires to move teeth discreetly and comfortably.

Whether for cosmetic reasons or due to wear and tear, braces can make a huge difference at any time of life. And, they are suitable for any age range, especially as our adult teeth tend to be in better shape than they once were due to improved dental care and prevention measures.

The  Benefits of Invisalign
Of course, your choice of braces will be down to your individual circumstances and your dentist’s advice. However, Invisalign offers some significant advantages over visible metal brackets, fragile ceramics and lingual braces:

  • Removable – while you’ll need to keep your aligners in for the vast majority of the time, you can remove them and eat and drink without food getting stuck.
  • Discrete – if you’re worried about the appearance of braces as an adult, Invisalign provides an almost invisible solution.
  • Comfortable – as the trays are changed more frequently, they don’t need to use the same amount of pressure as metal brackets, and they don’t create sores in the mouth.

While Invisalign isn’t suitable for everybody, it isn’t dependent on your age. In fact, Invisalign is a frequently used treatment option for adults to discreetly straighten their smiles and align their bites.

It’s Never Too Late to Straighten Your Smile
There really is no upper age limit for braces. If you have crooked teeth or a misaligned bite, then they could make all the difference to your dental health. And, it’s more than that, by giving you back your smile, braces can restore your confidence. Adults of all ages are choosing to get braces later in life to improve their looks and their dental health, why shouldn’t you?

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